Ya que este libro no está dividido en capítulos, cada resumen recogerá la información de 7 días escritos en el diario.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

17 * November 26th – December 6th

Adrian cambiaba los pañales a su hermana de vez en cuando. No podia soportar el olor y no entendía cómo su madre sí podía. Ultimamente Adrian leía mucho en su cuarto, porque la señora Mole sólo hacía caso al bebé. Se sentía necesitado.

Un día, cuando Adrian llegó del instituto, Insecto Palo, Maxwell y Brett le estaban esperando. Insecto Palo sólo quería decirle que no soportaba vivir con el señor Mole y la madre de éste. Como Adrian no supo que contestar, los tres se volvieron a casa de su abuela. Pero después Adrian se enteró de que Insecto palo iba a volver con el padre de Maxwell y se iban a casar de nuevo. Y al señor Mole no le importaba ver menos a su hijo Brett. Adrian tuvo un ataque de nervios, porque no le parecía lógico que la gente adulta se comportara así. Fue a casa de Bert a pedir ayuda, pero éste le mandó limpiar para que se le quitara la “tontería”.


Adrian changed Rosie’s nappies sometimes. He couldn’t stand the smell and he couldn’t understand how his mother could. Lately Adrian read a lot in his bedroom because his mother was fully occupied with the baby. He felt emotionally deprived.

One day when Adrian came from the high school Stick Insect, Maxwell and Brett were waiting for him. She said that it was complicated to live with Mr Mole and his mother. Adrian couldn’t answer so they returned to his grandmother’s house. But then Adrian discovered that Stick Insect would return with Maxwell’s father and they would get marry again. And Mr Mole didn’t feel pain at not seeing his son Brett. Adrian had a nervous breakdown because he couldn’t understand that situation. He went to Bert’s house to find help, but Bert ordered him to wash the dishes.


- In what way has Adrian taken on the role of a father to his baby sister? Sometimes he changed the nappy

- Why did Adrian spend a lot of time reading in his room? Lately Adrian read a lot in his bedroom because his mother was fully occupied with the baby. He felt emotionally deprived