Ya que este libro no está dividido en capítulos, cada resumen recogerá la información de 7 días escritos en el diario.

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

13 * October 2nd – October 11th

Recibieron una carta de los padres de la señora Mole, pero los abuelos de Adrian no parecían estar muy preocupados por la situación familiar, si no por un calcetín que se perdió en su casa un día de Navidad. La madre de Adrian escribió otra carta, pero decidió pensarse mejor mandarla.

Todavía no habían recibido el queche de la Seguridad Social, de manera que Pauline Mole llamó a una emisora de radio y dijo que, si no la mandaban el cheque ese día, abandonaría a su hijo en la calle. Pasaron las horas y la señora Mole salió de casa con Adrian. Estuvo 45min abandonado hasta que por fin recibieron el cheque.

Al día siguiente, todos los periódicos hablaban de ellos, pero de una forma muy exagerada. Todos querían un autógrafo de Adrian en clase, los vecinos iban visitarles e incluso el Libro Guinness de los Récords se pusieron en contacto con la señora Mole.

Esa noche cenaron bien.


They received a letter from Mrs Mole’s parents, but Adrian’s grandparents didn’t seem worried about their bad situation; they were more worried about a sock that they lost in Adrian’s house at last Christmas. Adrian’s mother wrote a reply letter, but finally she thought send the letter or not.

They didn’t received the cheque from the Social Security, so Pauline Mole phoned the local radio station and said that she was going to abandon her son if they didn’t send her the cheque that day. Hours passed, but they didn’t receive the cheque yet, so Mrs Mole abandoned Adrian in a street. He was abandoned for 45min; then, Mrs Mole received the cheque.

The next day the newspapers talked about them but in a exaggerated way, everyone at school wanted an autograph of Adrian, the neighbours came to visit them and even The Ginness Book of Records called to talk with Mrs Mole.

That night they had a good dinner.


- How was Mrs Mole going to abandon Adrian? Do you think Adrian is worried about it? She needed money and the cheque from Social Security didn’t arrive. She said she would abandon Adrian if the cheque doesn’t arrive on time.
I think Adrian was in a bad moment: they needed money but the Social Security didn’t give it, his father was gone and her mother was pregnant. But he knew his mother loved him.