Adrian empezó a tontear con Elizabeth. Él también le quitaba sus cosas para perseguirse mutuamente. Ella era guapa y él volvía a tener deseos sexuales.
Sus padres se enteraron de nuevas amistades de Adrian y le castigaron sin salir. Adrian se dedicó a leer en su habitación y a mandar una carta de dimisión a Barry; ya no formaría más parte de la banda.
Adrian decidió que se iba a escapar de casa. Sus padres estaban tan ocupados con Rosie que nadie le echaría de menos. Empezó a hacer los preparativos de su viaje: una maleta, ropa y cartas de despedida para sus amigos.
NOTA: su abuelo se llamaba Arnold Mole.
Adrian started to play with Elizabeth. He also took her things and ran away to chase each other. She was pretty and he had again his sexual ideas.
His parents noticed he was out of control since he went with Barry and the gang. They didn’t allow him to go outside and Adrian spent his time reading books and he wrote a letter to Barry saying that he resigned from the gang.
Adrian decided to leave home. His parents were very busy with Rosie and nobody would miss him. He made the preparations: a suitcase, some clothes and letters to say goodbye to his friends.
- After Adrian joined the gang, how long did it take his parents to realise that he was out of control? Adrian joined the gang in February and his parents noticed he was out of control in March. They were very busy with Rosie and they didn’t pay attention to Adrian.