Ya que este libro no está dividido en capítulos, cada resumen recogerá la información de 7 días escritos en el diario.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

19 * December 22nd – December 27th

Adrian sacó dinero de su cuenta bancaria para comprar los regalos de navidad. Recordó que tenía que hacerle un regalo a su hermana Rosie y que Queenie ya no estaban. Fue a la tienda más barata de Gran Bretaña

Por la noche fue a una la fiesta del Club de Jóvenes. Adrian bailó con Pandora y vio a Nigel bailando descaradamente con Clive Barnes. Todos decían que Nigel era gay, y si era así, entonces Adrian no quería ser ya su mejor amigo.

El día de Navidad, la señora Mole estaba tan ocupada con Rosie, que fue Adrian quien hizo las compras: compró pavo, verduras y luces para el árbol. Cuando regresó, su madre y él decoraron el salón. Sus invitados fueron Bert, la tía Susan y su amiga Gloria. Gloria era una chica muy guapa y sexy. Adrian no entendía cómo su tía Sustan (que trabajaba en la carcel, fumaba y tenía los dedos peludos) podía tener una amiga así.

Al día siguiente, se dieron los regalos. La señora Mole le regaló un abrigo de piel (no era lo que él esperaba, pero le gustó). Después Adrian quedó con Pandora para darse los regalos también. Ella le regaló una bufanda; él una cadena para el cuello. A Pandora le gustó mucho su regalo, pero al día siguiente le salió un sarpullido en el cuello.


Adrian took some money out from his account. He remembered that he had to buy a present to his sister Rosie but not for Queenie. He went to the cheaper shop in Britain.

At night he went with Pnadora to the Youth Club’s party. He danced with Pandora and he saw Nigel danced in a cheeky way with Clive Barnes. Everybody said that Nigel was gay, and if it was true Adrian wouldn’t want to be his best friend.

At Christmas day, Mrs Mole was very busy with Rosie, so Adrian went to shopping. He bought turkey, vegetables and color lights for the tree. When he returned home, he and his mother decorated the living room. Their guests were Bert, aunt Susie and her friend Gloria. Gloria was pretty and sexy and Adrian couldn’t understand how his aunt (she worked in a prison and she smoked an she had haity fingers) had a friend like Gloria.

The next day they gave the present each others. Mrs Mole gave him a sheepsking coat and Pandora, a scarf. Adrian gave to Pandora a chain for her neck. She liked so much, but next morning Pandora had a rash around her neck (she was allergic to non-precious metal.


- List the preparations Adrian had to make for Christmas: He bought turkey, vegetables and color lights for the tree. When he returned home, he and his mother decorated the living room.

- Why did Adrian asked to leave the Christmas dinner table? Adrian didn’t asked to leave the table; his mother ordered him go to bed, because he had drunk too much.

- Why Pandora cancel the trip to the cinema? She cancelled the appointment, because she woke up with a rash round her neck by the “gold” chain that Adrian gave her. She was allergic to non-precious metal).