Ya que este libro no está dividido en capítulos, cada resumen recogerá la información de 7 días escritos en el diario.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

22 * January 25th – February 8th

Adrian se alegro de que los fontaneros estuvieran en huelga, así no podría ducharse en el instituto. Tenía mucha vergüenza de que sus compañeros le vieran sin ropa.

Horrible Lucas fue su casa para reclamar a Rosie. La señora Mole decía que la niña era de George Mole, pero Lucas decía que en marzo del año pasado él y Pauline estuvieron juntos. Adrian se dio cuenta de que hacía un año, sus padres mantuvieron relaciones con otras personas y de ahí salieron dos hijos (Brett y Rosie). Lucas dijo que les demandarían si no le dejaban ver a la niña. Adrian lo estaba pasando muy mal. No podía concentrarse para estudiar y lloraba. Pandora estaba a su lado; era una buena amiga.

El periodo de prueba terminó, pero el señor y la señora Mole quisieron extenderlo. Hablaban incluso de comprarse otra casa.


Adrian was happy because the water workers had gone on strike, so he couldn’t have a shower at school. He was very shy and he didn’t like that his classmates saw him without clothes.

Horrible Lucas came to their house demanding to see Rosie. Mrs Mole said that George Mole was the father but Lucas said that Pauline and him were together one night the last year. Adrian discovered that his parents had affairs the last year and it made that he had two new brothers: Brett and Rosie. Lucas said that he would take them to court if they didn’t allow to see Rosie. Adrian was very sad, he couldn’t concentrate and he cried sometimes. Pandora was with him; she was a good friend.

The trial period finished but Mr and Mrs Mole wanted to extend it. They talked about to boy anew house.


- Why is Adrian happy that the water workers are on strike? Because Adrian and his classmates couldn’t have showers, so his classmates couldn’t see Adrian’s non-athletic body.

- Why does Lucas think that Rosie is his child? Because Lucas and Pauline Mole had an affair the last year and they slept together one night.

- How do you know that the school doctor is an understanding person? Because the doctor understood that Adrian was living bad moments, and she tried to explain him that the adults’ life are sometimes difficult.